The guiltiest of guilty pleasures is back for another summer of scheming, sexing and backstabbing until one lucky player wins $500,000.In this summer, the lovely Julie Chen tells us, will be the summer of dynamic duos. As usual, the Chenbot promises a number of "expect the unexpected" twists,and we have known recently about the big one: three couples from past seasons will return to play the game.

Dominic: He is got model good looks and is an adrenaline junkie who likes to ride motorcycles to get his blood pumping. But wipe that drool away, ladies: This 25-year-old virgin still lives at home with mommy and had me laughing a few times, particularly the level of chagrin he displayed about his partner in the game.
Cassi: She is a model from Texas/Nashville, but she's not just a pretty face. She likes fishin' and drinkin' beer too, y'all. Also she lies about being a model because she thinks regular joes view models as narcissists who want to steal other girls' boyfriends. She's probably right.
Shelly: She is a Southern woman who loves the outdoors, her husband and her kid. She enjoys the outdoors so much that many of her diary room comments are hunting metaphors. Her motto in life: "Look like a lady, act like a man.
Adam:He has felt, he is going to be a divisive character in the game. Some may love his contradictory personality but others like me, are probably already sick of his roaring rocker growl. No matter how good your game is, if you make annoying noises, you're going to become a target.
Kalia: Kalia thought that she is really awesome. Like, she's an amazing writer who has her own sex and dating column. She is the real-life Carrie Bradshaw and her gift of gab is going to take her through the game. Hey, big egos have won this game several times.
Porsche: She is a VIP cocktail waitress. Which is Big Brother's way of telling the audience every season that this is the hot girl you're supposed to hate. She has a dog named Tequila and she says that she's usually "the hottest girl everywhere I go." Also, her best asset is her personality, "but the doctors helped a little!"
Ago everyone gets to know everyone. Julie reveals the first twist: This season, the game will be played in pairs. Whoever wins head of household, their partner is safe for the week as well. Each week's nominees will be a specific duo, who then have to campaign against one another to stay in the house.